TANZANIA | SEP. 16, 2020 — Pastor and His Wife in Zanzibar Assaulted

TANZANIA | SEP. 16, 2020 — Pastor and His Wife in Zanzibar Assaulted

TANZANIA | SEP. 16, 2020 — Pastor and His Wife in Zanzibar Assaulted

TANZANIA — Pastor and His Wife in Zanzibar Assaulted

Churches in Zanzibar have been under assault for decades.

Vandals attacked the Calvary Mission Church in Mwamboni, Zanzibar on Feb. 24 and Feb. 29, 2020. Before the attack, Pastor Philemon Mafilili, 51, said he had received threats from a local official.

This man had told the pastor to “leave as soon as possible, because the Muslim community does not want a church here.” On Feb. 24, a group of radical Muslims came to the church armed with machetes, hammers and a container of gasoline, intending to set the church on fire. Church members who were nearby intervened, but the attackers beat the pastor’s wife before running away. Five days later, they were back. This time they had machetes, axes and knives, and they assaulted the pastor, sending him to the hospital. 

Pray for Pastor Philemon, his wife and all the Christians in the area. 


  1. 김현주

    Says September 27, 2020 at pm 2:27

    탄자니아의 형제자매들이 오직 진리의 약속에만 귀기울이게 하소서. 환란과 핍박의 주기가 짧아질수록 더 가까이 오시는 예수님의 발걸음을 듣게 하시고 다시 만날 예수님만을 소망하게 하소서.

    • Hrheo

      Says September 29, 2020 at am 10:34

      동역 감사합니다.

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