CHINA | AUG. 26, 2020 — Cross Removals Continue
CHINA — Cross Removals Continue
Officials removed two more crosses from two churches in Wenzhou.
Chinese authorities removed two more crosses from church buildings in Wenzhou, Zhejiang, on July 7, reminiscent of mass cross removals across the province in 2014.
More than 100 security personnel arrived at the Aodi Christian Church and the Yinchang Christian Church at 5 a.m. with cranes. After breaking the locks, they began removing crosses from the churches’ steeples. When church members tried to stop the officials, the authorities beat them, even pushing a man in his 80s to the ground. As the crosses at both churches were demolished, Christians sang hymns and prayed outside. Christians fear a recurrence of the widespread crackdown that occurred in 2014, shortly after Xi Jinping came to power.
Pray that Chinese Christians will respond wisely to government actions.