BURKINA FASO | JUL. 31, 2020 — Pastor Blaise and his family

BURKINA FASO | JUL. 31, 2020 — Pastor Blaise and his family

BURKINA FASO | JUL. 31, 2020 — Pastor Blaise and his family

BURKINA FASO — Pastor Blaise and his family

Family of displaced Christians from northern Burkina Faso. They escaped during the attack

They had to leave their village after another pastor was brutally murdered by a group of Jihadists.

Due to the persecution, the Coronavirus and the yearly drought, Pastor Blaise and many Christians like him have very little food and basic necessities.

Pray for Pastor Blaise and his family who are from Burkina Faso.


  1. Barry

    Says August 13, 2020 at am 6:26

    Pastor Blaise, I am praying for the Lord to bless you with all the needs of your family–for your physical health, and for His strength to remain strong in the faith as you cry out to Him and wait patiently for His provision.

    “May the God of HOPE fill you with all JOY and PEACE as you trust in Him, so that you may overflow with HOPE by the power of the Holy Spirit.” Romans 15:13

  2. rejoice

    Says August 14, 2020 at am 4:29

    하나님 아버지 영광받아주소서. 환란과 핍박에도 굴하지않고 주님을 믿는 믿음을 버리지 않는 성도들을 통해 오직 아버지께만 영광돌려지게 하옵시며 이교도들의 공격으로 마을을 떠날수 밖에 없는 상황이되어 거처에 여러가지 어려움을 겪고 있는 블레이즈목사님과 가족들이 안전한 거처를 찾고 돕는 손길들을 만날수 있도록 인도하여주시옵소서. 예수님 이름으로 기도합니다. 아멘

    • VOMK

      Says August 14, 2020 at am 10:28

      부르키나 파소의 성도들을 기억해 주시고 기도지원을 감사드립니다.
      저희 소식지를 통해서도 다양한 현장 사역과 기도제목이 전해지고 있습니다.
      혹시 아직 소식지를 받고 계시지 않으시거나, 주변 분들에게 추천하시고나 하신다면,
      010-3151-2065로 신청해 주시거나 추천해 주세요. 감사합니다.

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