INDONESIA | APR. 20, 2020 – Church in Central Java Forced to Close
INDONESIA – Church in Central Java Forced to Close

Neighbors protested the church outside as the police met with the pastor
Another church in Central Java was forced to close in February.
Police, local officials, neighbors and members of the Indonesia Muslim Clerics Council interrupted services on Sunday morning, Feb. 16, to demand that the service be halted. When the pastor boldly told the protestors that he would speak to them after the service, the group allowed him to continue. As the pastor met with police after the service, neighbors gathered outside the building to call for its closure. Although the church had obtained legal standing in 2017, the pastor verbally agreed to stop Christian activities for the time being.
Pray for church leaders as they determine the best course of action. Pray that church members will have no fear of meeting together for worship.