May 15, 2019 By Pastor Tim
May 15, 2019 By Pastor Tim
April 19, 2019 By Pastor Tim
April 11, 2019 By Pastor Tim
October 29, 2018 By Pastor Tim
October 12, 2018 In VOMK Tuesday Report By Pastor Tim
Christians in Central Asia are facing worship bans, arrest, and torture as Islamic nationalism becomes stronger in their countries. According to Voice of the Martyrs Korea representative Foley Hyun Sook, Christians in Central Asia can be arrested for reading the Bible in public places (such as a bus or train), or for telling other people ...
August 24, 2018 By Pastor Tim
우즈베키스탄 – 우즈베키스탄 기독교인들에게 용기와 지혜를 달라고 기도해주세요. 전도를 하거나 등록되지 않은 종교 활동은 불법입니다.
August 8, 2018 By Pastor Tim
August 8, 2018 By Pastor Tim
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