CENTRAL ASIA | NOV. 12, 2020 — Pastors Train Children with Illegal Gospel

CENTRAL ASIA | NOV. 12, 2020 — Pastors Train Children with Illegal Gospel

CENTRAL ASIA | NOV. 12, 2020 — Pastors Train Children with Illegal Gospel

CENTRAL ASIA — Pastors Train Children with Illegal Gospel

These children desperately need to learn the truth about who they are in Christ.

Pastors in Central Asia are faithfully teaching the gospel to children even though such action is against the law.

In many post-Soviet countries, teaching religion to children under age 18 is illegal. As followers of Christ, however, these pastors know it is important for young people to learn about the Bible and faith in God from a young age. Some of the pastors hold summer camps for children, and these camps attract both Christians and non-Christian participants. In fact, some of the children come from Muslim families who appreciate the lessons and activities that their children experience.

Pray for these leaders as they teach the children at great personal risk, and pray that the children learn much about God.

1 Comment

  1. 유혜영

    Says November 15, 2021 at pm 1:50

    하나님 목숨걸고 살아가는 많은 목회자들에게 물질과 건강의 축복을 부어주소서!
    오직 주님만 바라보는 순교자의 믿음 허락하여 주소서!

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