AFGHANISTAN | APR. 16, 2021 — Christians Endure Persecution as God’s Kingdom Advances

AFGHANISTAN  | APR. 16, 2021 — Christians Endure Persecution as God’s Kingdom Advances

AFGHANISTAN | APR. 16, 2021 — Christians Endure Persecution as God’s Kingdom Advances

AFGHANISTAN — Christians Endure Persecution as God’s Kingdom Advances

Christians must meet secretly in very small groups.

Christians in Afghanistan continue to face difficulty, discrimination and persecution from family members, radical Islamist groups and the government for their faith in Christ.

Workers in the country have asked for prayers regarding our persecuted family and the advancement of God’s kingdom. Pray for our brothers and sisters to experience God’s presence and peace as they endure suffering. Pray for them to persevere in their faith, and to be salt and light to members of their families, communities and government. Pray for mature Christians to be fruitful disciple-makers.

Pray also for God’s kingdom to advance throughout each of the country’s provinces and unreached people groups, especially Pashtuns. 


  1. kim

    Says April 12, 2021 at am 3:37

    사랑의 주님! 은혜를 감사드립니다.
    아프가니스탄의 형제자매들이 어떠한 고난에도 견디며 하나님의 임재와 평화를 체험하고 믿음으로 인내하며 가족과 지역사회, 정부당국자들에게 빛과 소금이 되도록 기도합니다. 리더들이 더욱 더 많은 이들을 제자로 삼을수 있도록 은혜내려주세요…또한 각 지방 곳곳에 하나님나라가 확장되어지길 기도하며 특히 파슈툰족 공동체에 복음이 전해지게 하여주세요….아멘

    • Hrheo

      Says April 15, 2021 at pm 5:24

      기도의 동역 감사드립니다.

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