TURKEY | FEB. 08, 2021 — Producing Christian Truth in a Dark Place

TURKEY | FEB. 08, 2021 — Producing Christian Truth in a Dark Place

TURKEY | FEB. 08, 2021 — Producing Christian Truth in a Dark Place

TURKEY — Producing Christian Truth in a Dark Place

Turkey can be a dark place for Christians to work in.

A group of Turkish believers who produce Christian literature ask for prayer as they operate in Turkey’s tense climate for believers.

After nine years of publishing a theological magazine, “we are still able to do our job in this dark atmosphere,” they wrote. A reader, Tolga, wrote to tell the group the difference the magazine made in his life. Tolga lived a life of crime and drugs growing up and was constantly in and out of jail. In prison, he heard about “missionaries” who spy on Turkish people, and it made him curious. He covered his face and snuck into a church to get a Bible. In 2018, he subscribed to the Christian magazine to help him understand the Christian faith more fully; now he belongs to Christ and is saved. The believers who create the Christian magazine ask for prayer that they will be able to continue producing it. They also plan to produce content for the growing number of those living in Turkey who speak Persian. 

“Pray that the hearts of the people we reach would be open to the Lord,” they wrote. “Our aim is only to serve the gospel.” 


  1. heiscoming

    Says February 09, 2021 at pm 2:02

    주님, 목숨을 걸고 사역하는 터키의 사역자들을 위해 기도합니다. 이들의 안전을 지켜주시고 끝까지 부르심을 따라 순종하게 하옵소서. 또한 이를 통해 예수 그리스도의 생명을 꽃피우시는 주님의 일하심을 찬양합니다! 계속해서 톨가와 같은 믿음의 증인들을 세워주시고 목마른 무슬림 영혼들을 영원한 생명수로 적시는 역사를 일으켜 주시길 간구합니다!

    • Hrheo

      Says February 20, 2021 at pm 1:33

      한분의 기도가 절실한 핍박받는 형제자매들을 위해 기도로 동역해주셔서 감사드립니다. 목소리를 낼 수 없는 우리 형제자매들을 기억하고 기도하는 사역에 더 많은 분들이 동참할 수 있도록 주변 분들에게 소식을 전하고 기도를 요청해주세요.

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