ETHIOPIA | FEB. 01, 2021 — Pastor Martyred While Preaching

ETHIOPIA | FEB. 01, 2021 — Pastor Martyred While Preaching

ETHIOPIA | FEB. 01, 2021 — Pastor Martyred While Preaching

ETHIOPIA — Pastor Martyred While Preaching

Pastor Aklilu

A man enraged with a pastor went to the pastor’s church and stabbed him just as he began his sermon.

Pastor Aklilu of Hossana, Ethiopia had been intentional about sharing the gospel in his community. He often went home to home and shared on the streets with anyone willing to listen. A member of the Ethiopian Orthodox Church did not like that Pastor Aklilu shared about Jesus’ death, resurrection and the forgiveness of sins with members of the Orthodox Church, so the man began a campaign against the pastor, often insulting him publicly. When the man came into the service at Aklilu’s church, he sat in front. As Aklilu began to preach, the man rushed the stage and stabbed the pastor in his left kidney. Aklilu passed away before medical attention arrived. 

Pray for his wife and children.  


  1. ok

    Says February 05, 2021 at am 6:49

    아크릴루 목사님 아내와 자녀들에게 주님의 인도하심과 평강이 항상 가득하게 하옵소서
    교회성도들이 이일로 두려워하거나 예배를 피하지 말게 하소서
    살인을 저지른 자의 마음에 성령님 깨우쳐 주사 예수그리스도를 만나게 하시고 변화되어 용서를 빌고 복음의 증인으로 사용하여 주업소서
    주님 에디오피아를 불쌍히 여겨 주소서
    이땅에 박해와 핍박을 저지르는 자들의 마음을 움직이사 주 예수를 만나고 참 진리를 알게 하소서. 천국을 소망하고 이땅에서 복음의 증인들 되게 하소서
    주여 코로나도 속히 물리쳐 주소서
    평강을 주옵소서 예수님의 이름으로 기도드립니다.아멘

    • Hrheo

      Says February 05, 2021 at pm 1:19

      순교자의 가족들과 박해자들을 위해 기도해 주셔서 감사드립니다. 그 마음을 허락하신 하나님께 감사드립니다. 하나님의 긍휼이 절대적으로 필요한 박해자들을 위해 동일한 마음으로 계속해서 기도해주시고, 이러한 소식들을 주변의 기도의 동역자분들께도 나누셔서 순교자의 ‘소리’가 되어주시기 바랍니다.

  2. Gregory Pilato

    Says February 18, 2021 at am 1:18

    As a pastor or a church member, you don’t know whether this time to proclaim Jesus the Lord of Love and Glory is the last time before going to see Him face to face.

    Blessed be the Father of Mercies and Blessed be our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ for the eternal covenant love that planned, provided and applied eternal redemption to all God’s people. Thank you, Lord Jesus for the life and martyrdom of Pastor Aklilu of Hossana, Ethiopia. Hosanna, Please bless and comfort his widow and rest of family, as Husband to widows and Father to the fatherless. May the man who stabbed Pastor A, be cut in the heart by your word and Spirit and cry out to know the way of salvation. Cause this man who thought he was doing you a favor, to repent of establishing his own righteousness and turn to the righteousness of Christ received by faith. May many be built up, strengthened, equipped and sent out as a result of this martyrdom. May we all overcome the evil one because “because of the blood of the Lamb and because of the word of their testimony, and they did not love their life even when faced with death.” Revelation 12:11. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

    • Pastor Tim

      Says February 20, 2021 at am 9:40

      Amen and Amen Gregory! Revelation is a really good book to remind us that God is in control . . . even in the midst of difficult/terrible circumstances. God Bless ~ Pastor Tim

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