CHINA | JUN. 26, 2020 — Pastor Arrested During Online Meeting

CHINA | JUN. 26, 2020 — Pastor Arrested During Online Meeting

CHINA | JUN. 26, 2020 — Pastor Arrested During Online Meeting

CHINA — Pastor Arrested During Online Meeting

Many Christian meetings have moved online in this era of tightened security

Authorities in Wuhan seized the pastor of the Nanjing Road Church on Saturday, May 30, during an online Christian gathering.

The day-long event, which was dedicated to church planting and evangelism, was being held online because of the pandemic. Police arrived at the church around noon and detained Pastor Luo, who was interrogated for more than four hours before being released.

During the interrogation, Luo told the officials how Christians have been serving their communities in Wuhan during the pandemic.

1 Comment

  1. Ольга

    Says July 05, 2020 at pm 11:28

    Сатана, прочь с дороги Еваангелия! Во имя Иисуса, Господа, у Которого ВСЯ власть на небе и на земле, перед Которым преклонено всякое колено, повелеваю отпустить ВСЕХ христиан из тюрем Китая и С.Кореи! Прочь! Господь, благодарю за освобождение и свободу моих братьев и сестер! Благодарю за их полное исцеление и возвращение к семьям. Аминь.

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