한국 교회 영성 회복 사역

Where is the church growing faster?
—South Korea or North Korea?
South Korea or Iran?
South Korea or China?

The answers are surprising: North Korea, Iran, and China all restrict Christianity, and yet they are among the countries where the church is growing the fastest—much faster than South Korea. In fact, here in South Korea the church continues to decline. If we are eager to see our churches grow, we need to emulate and learn from Christians in persecuted countries, where the church is growing powerful and strong. And we need to return to our roots by learning from early Korean Christians, whose messages of sacrifice and strategies for carrying the Cross are as fresh and relevant today as they were when they first spread Christianity throughout Korea.

Voice of the Martyrs Korea aims to help renew the Korean church through the following projects:

Daily Covenant Renewal Broadcast

언약 회복 방송

순교자의 소리 언약회복

Volunteers record sermons from early Korean Christians that are included in our daily short-wave, medium-wave and satellite radio broadcasts.

Martyr Spirit Speakers Series

순교자 영성 강의 시리즈

Voice of the Martyrs Korea often hosts a public event featuring a member (or servant of) the persecuted church. Through this event, the Korean church can better understand what it means to “take up our cross” and follow Christ. Proceeds from these events go to the guest speaker’s ministry. More information can be found here.

Doers of the Word (DotW) Sermon

‘말씀을 행하는 자들의 예배’ 설교

A weekly training session lead by Pastor and Doctor Foley about how to take up our cross and follow Christ today. Previous DotW sermons may be found here .

Translation and Publication of Resources

번역과 출판 사역

The same materials that Voice of the Martyrs Korea uses for its underground church training events for persecuted Christians are available to South Korean Christians and churches as well! You may find a full list here.

Recovering Early Korean Christian Sermons or Data

한국 초기 기독교 설교 및 자료 복원

Voice of the Martyrs Korea is always searching for sermons and teaching lessons from early Korean Christians. If you have sermons, photos, journals, writings, or stories from early Korean Christians, please visit our Donate Resources page to find out how you can participate.


  1. gnana rathinam

    Says September 19, 2019 at am 4:26

    i appreciate your ministry.

    kindly pray for my ministry.

    i am doing village ministry in slum areas in India,

    kindly pray and support.

    • admin

      Says September 21, 2019 at pm 5:02

      May God continue to bless your village ministry, Gnana!

  2. Lisa

    Says March 09, 2020 at pm 11:50

    Thank you for all your support, and please pray for Korea !

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