아프가니스탄 | Afghanistan
Country Profile
아프가니스탄 | Afghanistan

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예멘 형제들과 함께하는 성경공부

중동 무슬림 가운데 막강한 힘을 발휘하고 있는 것이 누구일까요? 테러리스트일까요? 생각해봅시다!

예멘 형제와 함께하는 성경공부 "말씀을 어떻게 삶에 적용하는가? "

우리는 어떤 눈으로 중동을 바라보는가?

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Forgiveness Is Like Surgery - FR3, 2016

감옥에서 온 편지 - A Letter From Prison Korean Subtitles

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톰 도일 (Tom Doyle) 목사 - 중동 전문 사역자 행사 Tom Doyle - Middle East Ministry Expert Event

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두에인 밀러 박사 11월 기자 회견 영상(요약)

National Flag [ 국기 ]

Population [ 인구 ]
34,940,837 (July 2018 est.)
Ethnicity [ 인종 ]
Pashtun, Tajik, Hazara, Uzbek, other (includes smaller numbers of Baloch, Turkmen, Nuristani, Pamiri, Arab, Gujar, Brahui, Qizilbash, Aimaq, Pashai, and Kyrghyz)
note: current statistical data on the sensitive subject of ethnicity in Afghanistan are not available, and ethnicity data from small samples of respondents to opinion polls are not a reliable alternative; Afghanistan’s 2004 constitution recognizes 14 ethnic groups: Pashtun, Tajik, Hazara, Uzbek, Baloch, Turkmen, Nuristani, Pamiri, Arab, Gujar, Brahui, Qizilbash, Aimaq, and Pashai (2015)
Religion [ 종교 ]
Muslim 99.7% (Sunni 84.7 – 89.7%, Shia 10 – 15%), other 0.3% (2009 est.)
Ashraf GHANI Ahmadzai (since 29 September 2014);
Government type
Presidential Islamic republic
Legal system
Mixed legal system of civil, customary, and Islamic law
Source [ 자료출처 ]
CIA World Factbook