Hossein his friends were talking about movies while sitting in a park one afternoon, when a stranger walked up and handed him a book and a magazine.
When Hossein asked the man how much the magazine cost, he was told it was free. “These are gifts from God,” the man said, smiling.
When Hossein got home, he started reading the magazine. After reading the review of a foreign film he had seen, he continued reading and discovered that the magazine was a Christian publication. Then he realized the book he had received was a Bible — a book that is illegal to own, print, import or distribute in his Iranian homeland.
Suddenly, he was gripped with fear.
“I was so scared, because my family are devoted Muslims,” Hossein said. “Many things went through my mind that night, and I wished I hadn’t been given those books.” He then got rid of the Bible and magazine the next day.
Then, just days later, Hossein was shocked to see his brother, Mahmoud, come home with a Bible of his own.