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2019년 언론보도 | 2019 Press Release

2022년 언론보도2021년 언론보도2020년 언론보도2018년 언론보도순교자의 소리 2019년 언론보도2019 12월순교의 신앙을 어린 시절부터 교육하자 - 현숙 폴리 (한국순교자의소리 대표) [기독교신문]순교의 신앙을 어린 시절부터 교육하자 - 현숙 폴리 (한국순교자의소리 대표) ‘사람이 자기 집을 다스릴 줄 알지 못하면 어찌 하나님의 교회를 돌보리요(디모데전서 3:5)’ 2019-12-31 핍박받는 기독교인을 위한 신년맞이 24시간 기도 운동에 동참하십시오!!! [가스펠투데이]핍박받는 세계 기독교인을 위한 새해 기도 ...

Support Danjuma Shakuru, a Nigerian Christian who was attacked by Islamic militants

Support Danjuma Shakuru, a Nigerian Christian who was attacked by Islamic militants Make a gift to help Christians like Danjuma Project SummaryBackground Information [ 배경 정보 ] CountryNigeria Target GroupChristians who have been victims of attacks by Islamic militants ObjectiveSupport Christians and their family members who have been injured or killed by Islamic militants Summary ...

Global Prayer Guide

Global Prayer Guide

Global Prayer Guide전 세계를 위한 기도 편람 Prayer is a way that God involves us in His work, bringing us into fellowship and unity with our greater spiritual family around the world. To help you pray more specifically for our persecuted brothers and sisters, VOM has created this Global Prayer Guide highlighting the restricted nations ...

Daniel Dogo Awayi | 다니엘 도고

Daniel Dogo Awayi | 다니엘 도고

약력 | Biography Korean text missing Daniel Dogo Awayi pastors a church in Potiskum, a city in the north of Nigeria, where Christians are under attack. Pastor Awayi’s congregation has shrunk from 400 to 100 members. Many Christians have fled the region, but Pastor Awayi remains. He says, “It is better to be in a