A minister from the Early Rain Covenant Church in Chengdu, China was held in police custody on the weekend of May 8-9, and four church members were questioned with two being beaten while attempting to bring him food.

The actions against Early Rain Church were the latest since an April 21 police raid on a tutoring program operated by the church, where 19 adults and children were taken into custody and later releasedThe events continue a two and a half yearlong crackdown by authorities on the church, whose pastor, Wang Yi, was arrested along with more than 100 church members on December 9, 2018.  

“The detention of Minister Wu Wuqing and the physical attacks on Brother Dai Zhichao and Sister Shu Qiong at the Longquanyi District Damian Police Station show the continuing spiritual strength of Early Rain Church, in the face of unrelenting Communist persecution,” says Voice of the Martyrs Korea Representative Dr. Hyun Sook Foley. “Brother Dai Zhichao was angrily punched and kicked by a plainclothes officer, but he described the whole experience as ‘a great spiritual exercise’. The church members sang hymns at the police station and shared the gospel with the officers there, at great personal cost. Brother Dai Zhichao said, ‘We could only continue to preach the gospel if we were willing to submit to the authorities beating us. Perhaps our Christian singing offended them, or the spreading of the video which included them frightened them.’ Sister Shu Qiong was slapped in the face by officers who broke her glasses and left a multitude of scratches on her neck and arms. These church members had brought Minister Wu Wuqing’s wife to the police station simply so she could bring her husband dinner. But they ended up being used by God to bring spiritual food instead. 

Chengdu, China, location of Early Rain Covenant Church

Representative Foley says that the church members were able to encourage detained Minister Wu Wuqing at the police station even though they were not permitted to visit him. “Brother Dai Zhichao reports that as he was being moved from one room to another in the police station he caught sight of Minister Wu Wuqing in another room, with two police officers guarding him. Brother Dai Zhichao called out to him, ‘Wuqing, Jesus loves you, and Minister Wu called backGod loves you. 

According to Representative Foley, Minister Wu had been called to the police station on Friday, May 7 after participating in the funeral for a church member. During the preceding week the air had been let out of the tires of his car three times by unknown assailants, damaging the wheels. “He was released on Friday but summoned again to the police station Saturday afternoon, apparently on charges related to disturbing the peace,” says Representative FoleyThe church members and their children arrived Saturday evening, expecting that Minister Wu would be detained until after the time of Sunday worship services, as in previous encounters with the police. The church members were met in front of the police station by a group of political security and stabilization officersThe church members recorded video on their cell phones for their own legal protection. They were eventually permitted to enter the station, where their phones were confiscated, they were searched without a warrant, and officers tried to force the four adult members to make a police statement, which they refused to do.” 

Representative Foley says that the members reported that their children gradually fell asleep in their arms despite the tense atmosphere. One child even recited Proverbs 11:1 – 3 aloud to the police: ‘The Lord detests dishonest scalesbut accurate weights find favor with him.’” The church members were transported by police back to their home districts around 2AM Sunday morning. They reported that Minister Wu was back at home Sunday afternoon. 

Brother Dai Zhichao with his family

Representative Foley says that Brother Dai Zhichao gave one praise request and one prayer request. “He said, ‘Thank the Lord that the One with us commands more than the ones with the CCP.’ And he requested, ‘Pray for the Lord to have mercy on those persecuting us.’” 

Representative Foley notes that the recent increase in authorities’ activity against Early Rain Church is paralleled by crackdowns on other churches across China. During the month of May alone, two ministers at Zion Church in Beijing were detained for ten days. Guiyang Renai Reformed Church’s Elder Zhang Chunlei has been detained. Bible apps have been removed from app stores in China,” says Representative Foley. “Yet we can join Brother Dai Zhichao in giving thanks that the One with us commands more than the ones with the CCP. And we can pray for the Lord to have mercy on those persecuting our brothers and sisters in China.’” 

Individuals interested in additional Early Rain Covenant Church updates can visit 


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File photo of a worship service at Early Rain Covenant Church before the December 9, 2018 arrest of Pastor Wang Yi.


  1. Jinnie

    Says May 25, 2021 at pm 4:59

    하나님, 이들을 기억해주세요. 오늘도 갇힌 자된 우리 형제 자매님들에게 성령께서 말씀하시고 충만케 되어, 그들안에 하나님의 나라가 더 확장되고, 발 붙인 바 된 중국 안에 하나님 나라가 완전히 임하게 해주세요.
    이른비 언약교회, 시온 교회를 비롯한 모든 중국의 교회가 땅 끝까지 복음을 전하라하신 주님의 말씀의 증인이 되어 감옥에 있든지, 경찰서에 있든지, 숨어 있든지, 누구를 만나든지, 누구에게 학대를 당하든지 담대히 주님의 자녀된 권세로 복음을 선언하는 자녀 되게 해주세요.
    최후 승리의 면류관, 주님이 남겨주신 고난을 몸으로 받기를 기뻐하는 형제 자매 되게 하시고, 주여 이들을 기억하소서!
    저도 갇힌 자 처럼 이들을 끊임 없이 생각나게 하셔서 기도하게 해주세요. 예수님 이름으로 기도합니다 아멘

  2. Bev Forrest

    Says May 25, 2021 at pm 11:31

    I am appalled by those Christians suffering in China ….particularly at the Early Rain Church! AND YET, they ask that others pray for those persecuting them …. we, in the West, could learn from these suffering saints!!

    • Pastor Tim

      Says May 29, 2021 at am 8:50

      Right you are Bev! I am learning so much every day. ~ Tim

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