The terrorist group Boko Haram kidnapped a state chairman of the Christian Association of Nigeria as well as a pastor and 40 church members in two separate raids on January 3 and January 6. A video subsequently released by the terrorist group shows the captive as the Rev. Lawan Andimi, the chairman of the Christian Association of Nigeria (CAN) in Adamawa State. Then, on January 20th, the terrorist group informed a Nigerian investigative journalist they had killed Rev, Andimi.

(SOURCE: Boko Haram video) Boko Haram leader Abubakar Shekau in a video statement released by the group.
“Boko Haram released the video as part of their terror campaign, but actually the video is testimony to the great faith of Rev. Andimi,” said Voice of the Martyrs Korea representative Hyun Sook Foley. “In the video, Rev. Andimi is very calm and says he is not discouraged because he is ‘in the hand of God’. He tells his family, ‘God is still alive… Don’t cry, don’t worry, thank God for everything.’”
Representative Foley says that Boko Haram abducted Rev. Andimi during a raid on Michika on January 3. According to reports, he was kidnapped by men in military uniform who drove into the town in convoy, ransacked it, and took him away in a truck. Foley says that on January 6, Boko Haram kidnapped a second pastor, the Rev Joshua Samaila, along with 40 others during an early morning raid on Kasaya village in Kaduna.
Foley notes that there has been a recent increase in attacks by Boko Haram in Nigeria. Over Christmas, the terror group released a video showing the beheadings of 10 Christians and the shooting of a Muslim. The day after Christmas, they attacked a bridal party on the way to a wedding, killing the bride and others.
“Boko Haram is terrorizing Nigerian Christians, but Nigerian Christians are responding with worship and thanks to God,” said Representative Foley. “We should learn from them even as we stand with them in this time of terror.”
Churches and individuals interested in making a donation to meet the needs of persecuted Nigerian Christians can do so according to the methods listed on the VOMK website at https://vomkorea.com/en/donation/ .
(Please be sure to include the phrase “Nigeria” on the donation.)

A Nigerian girl reads a graphic novel about Jesus’ life and ministry, provided to her by Voice of the Martyrs.

A sample of Voice of the Martyrs Korea’s February newsletter. This newsletter focuses on the testimony of persecuted Nigerian Christians.